Because cyber-security
should be accessible to everyone.

SMARTMonitor Services

SMARTMonitor services leverage the SMARTSentinel platform to provide ongoing security monitoring services.

Identify malware, unwanted programs, and policy violations faster

Identify malware, unwanted programs, and policy violations faster

Reduce risks linked to adware, spyware as well as non-corporate applications (games, personal VPNs, etc.) on your network by discovering them quickly, not in months.

Empower your IT team

Empower your IT team

Integration with existing IT incident reporting means your team will receive actionable, critical security information.

The SMARTSentinel Advantage.

Our team has spent many years in the trenches working as security specialists with large organizations that needed ironclad security. Our fingerprints are on the security operations of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police), Hydro Quebec, and Canadian Nuclear Labs.

We "scratched our own itch" and built SMARTSentinel, the tool we wish we had.

SMARTSentinel makes detecting threats faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before.

The SMARTSentinel Advantage.
Enterprise-grade security, for everyone.

Enterprise-grade security, for everyone.

Our mission is to make enterprise-grade security within reach of small and mid-sized businesses.

Because we've built our own platform, we can leapfrog the technology infrastructures of large MSSPs (Managed Security Service Providers).

The end result is that we can offer our customers lower per-asset fees, while providing valuable security insights and services.

Let's talk

Let's Talk.

You have security concerns.

We'll listen.
Then we'll help.